Hunter: Justin Spaniel
Number of Points: 11
Hunter: Hailey Ridgley
Number of Points: 8
Hunter: Cole Williams
Hunter: Colton Barker
Number of Points: 9
Hunter: Nick Ridgley
Number of Points: 6
Hunter: Theron Gregory
Hunter: Kase Josey
Hunter: Graham Breeden
Hunter: David Mauzy
Number of Points: 13
Hunter: Newt Richmond
Hunter: Brenden Bennett
Number of Points: 10
Hunter: Riley Isham
Hunter: Troy Waldron
Number of Points: 16
Hunter: Cody Sanders
Hunter: Shawn Powell
Number of Points: 12
Hunter: Trevor Wagley
Hunter: Payton Wilson
Hunter: Presley Jeffrey
Hunter: Lance Garrett
Hunter: Hunter Sadler
Hunter: Cooper Hill
Hunter: Brady Hunter
Number of Points: 14
Hunter: Hayley Menge
Hunter: Casey Fienen